
at the sign of the red bird

During prohibition, there was a miniature golf attraction here. But as soon as Demon Alcohol was again legalized (with apologies to Rebecca, the goddess of temperance, whose statue still graces the main street of town), the Red Bird liquor store went up. It was opened by a man named Brainard Day. Hence the motto: Buy from Day—today!
Or of course, don't, if you'd rather not.


  1. That's "To-Day." I like the hyphen.

  2. Wow. I have spent my entire life (thus far) wondering what that meant.
    This is a very exciting to-day for us all!

  3. And for those of you old enough to remember, my first (and third) taxis were red. A '65 Chevy BelAir, and a 1986 Chrysler wagon. So I called my service "Red Bird".

    That was my CB name.

    And when I called the Red Bird to see if they were open, I'd say to Mr. Mitchell, the proprietor, "Red Bird Two to Red Bird One."

    Claudia: Remember when Aaron (sp?) GAVE me a six pack of beer, to give to you? Where were you then... Chicago maybe? And I brought it to you and we took a photo-booth picture of us with the beer, and sent it to him?

    Ah, those were the days.

    I don't miss the booze, but I miss Mr. Mitchell. And Robert Palmer.
