
but a dream

Barack Obama and I were engaged in a meeting about branding (as in creating the Obama brand, not as in dogies at the Triple C Ranch or your friendly local dungeon), when he decided he was tired of working and wanted to take a cruise. I drove the truck, and he just stared out the window into the darkness.
We took back roads, and soon I was lost. Finally I spotted a gas station, and Obama allowed as he needed to take a whiz while I got directions. But the place was closed. As I pulled out of the station, I forgot to turn my headlights on, and cut off a cop car. I looked into the rearview mirror to see the gumball turning and pulled over.
"Uh oh," I said to Obama. "It looks like you're going to be compared to the Kennedys again—and not in a good way."

1 comment:

  1. Yippie! that's a real good one....grrat images...did you know he was left handed?
