

"A financial analyst I've always admired says that amateur traders always think about what they can win, while professionals think about what they can lose," said the Subway Singer, visiting from Alabama, where she just bought a house with her earnings from busking in the subways of New York and then investing in, among others, Apple stocks. "Me, when I'm in love, I'm an amateur. I don't look at the downside, I only look at the upside. But, really, that first romantic period, that's like a bubble."
Love from the point of view of a trader. If I knew more about the world of finance, I daresay I could spin the metaphor out indefinitely. Feel free to have a go, take a chance, risk all on the hope that this time there will be no market correction. . .

1 comment:

  1. I think there's a money/love book in there. Sibiliant title TK. Make you eager to buy the book subtitle tk.
    Book can come with a DVD, liner notes, poster -- on and on...
