
surf is so not up

We're coming to the end of the road, guys.
I started this site to document the building of Hannah's Party City. Hannah's is built, and it's been two years this month since I debuted this blog with the following:
surf's up
A new feature of my new site is that you can now check out your horoscope in the New York Post or the latest news with the links. So before you do anything, surf over to Claudia's to catch that wave. Also, hit the word "comments" below, and post easily with your own stories and thoughts.

I have enjoyed keeping in touch with all of you through this medium. I thank you for making Claudia's Surf City part of your day. Mahalo. If any of you want to take over the site, let me know and I will give you passwords to post in my stead. I have a twinge of regret that just as I seem to have three regular readers in China (plus a couple in France, one in Italy, and one in Portugal), I am bagging it. Keep your eyes open for my next web effort. There will be one, though what it may be—why I can't or what is my fucking problem or Azu— quien sabe? Now would be the time for you to reveal your identities as readers, so I can put you on my list to inform of a new site. If you don't want to post your e-mail addresses, please send to my pseudonomenous (sp?) account: cgdowe@gmail.com (btw, this doesn't work as a link—you have to paste it in as an address) and I will let you know where I settle. For now, surf's down.


  1. Rad, man. Wipe out.

  2. Hey, babe. It's been more fun than we know.

    I'll be lost without you.

    See you next week in high cotton.

    Or not.

  3. I'm, like, what?

    This is SO not hot.

  4. shaka brah

    where do we go to get reports on your road trip, trek and progress at taliessen east/west?

  5. But, yours is my favorite blog!

    So glad I know where to find you, CD, but I'll miss your voice here on my screen. Thank you for sharing so much with us.

    Now I know how to build a house!


  6. Oh, no, can this really be the end?

    (What comes next?)

    To be stuck inside of Nashville with the Memphis blues again!

  7. woa, dudette! it's been real. your photos and words have been a regular part of my days, and i will miss them while looking forward to your next adventures in cyberspace. toodaloo and thanks for documenting these past two years. is there some sort of archive for this stuff? oh, and can i have a tag on your next blog???


  8. I'm lost. Without you at my morning coffee. Say- la -vee to a grand entertainment. Please let me in on your next great adventure.

  9. so sad, so sorrowful to see it end...I enjoyed following your exploits after too long not knowing nada. Please reincarnate. con un abrazo fuerte. gomez

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