
moving in

Photo by Wolfen
Her new place looks a lot like the one in Chicago we were living in when she was born. She keeps having deja vu, and I suspect that's why.


  1. And you, my dear, aren't really a day older than when you lived in Chicago with the future C.E.O. of Azul, International. Who, by the way, refused to sleep in her own crib.

    Now all you need is the boy-toy to prove to the world that you are the Demi Moore of the upper West Side.

    Go, girl. Sweet! As Kyle would say.

  2. Awesome, dude.

    Let me be your classic Baldwin.

    Party, fiesta, karamu, forever. All night long.

  3. Is another sad day for Li.

    My Lady is surround with werewulve children of the night, vamoires, Danger Fleece and his apples. And now boy-toys, mounting men, women who run with equines and only Buddah-knows-what wish to make my Lady their bed.

    Li is dissolve.

  4. I think you mean Mountain Men, dear uncle.

    Is song by famous dancer Tina Turner. Goes "Is No Mountain High Enough".

    This mountain of man has plans to rappel Lady.

  5. Marvin Gaye, sis. With Tammi Terrel.
