
shall we resolve?

. . . to once and for all get the place painted this summer
. . . to get fit enough to make it to 14,000 feet and down again
. . . to have all those eye tests and colonoscopies and dental exams
. . . to find paying work in a new career
. . . to learn languages
. . . to love
. . . to actually use Quick Books this year
. . . to be a better person
. . . to be badder than ever

Will you join me, or do you have your own revolutions?


  1. Are you and Wolfen having yr. traditional NYD party?

  2. Yep. And then they're moving manana.

  3. Happy New Year! Happy Happy Birthday - wish we were there to celebrate with you. Home nursing head colds. We had a huge bon fire on the beach last night and the gannets are diving outside our window this a.m. Lots of love & hugs
