
water witch

Or maybe warlock? In any case, he's an amazing surfer and also, appropriately, the superintendant of water on the island. In his later capacity he dowsed to find the water shutoffs yesterday so that today we can open up the earth and put in a water line, as well as, hopefully, conduits for power and phone, to the new place. That is, if the third backhoe operater I have employed so far (but first in my heart, Howie, never doubt it) shows up after driving the schoolbus this morning. Mr Piss-On-the-Ants himself has agreed to help me to run the conduit.
We'll see if all of these projects get anywhere today. But anyway, using two pieces of coathanger the wizard found the waterline I didn't know I had.


  1. How does dowsing work? Was he really standing there with a coat hanger? I know, the proof is in the picture. But wait a minute, aren't you on an estuary? How could he not find water?
    The Killjoy

    p.s. the sculpture is looking beauteous. I would so love to sleep in it. Sans walls, of course.

  2. I'm gonna try you out with an apple twig, Phil, and you'll be a believer too.

  3. Ideomotor, maybe. But a few years back, when we needed to dig a well in France, an old peasant came and stomped around with a stick for about an hour and located the EXACT spot and predicted the (almost) EXACT depth that we would find water. We were IMPRESSED. Note: Provence is DRY, and the water was DEEP. When they finally hit water, after drilling for most of the morning, we had a geyser that makes Old Faithful look like a putti going pee-pee. REALLY a lot of water squired out. The well is now fulfilling all our water needs, including a pool and irrigation system.) It would be too depressing to think he just (subconsciously) picked some random spot.

  4. Wasn't their once a time at a certain doctor's house where you paracticed dowsing, were not believed, and then were proved right?

  5. Hey, is that house in Provence for rent?

  6. Oops, is anybody still there? YES, house is for rent. Claudia has been there and can tell you about it.

    PS. Phill, I KNEW you were going to say that.
