
flying a

photograph by Oceangurl

The pagan symbol to celebrate the hoisting of the ridge pole is known as the wedding bush, for some reason. Maybe because the ridge marries the rafters? In any case, it is meant to be the same kind of wood that the house is made of. On the island, we don't have a lot of wood of any kind, never mind Douglas fir, a West Coast plant. Usually, carpenters here use a bayberry bush, which we have a lot of. But the bayberry hasn't really leafed out yet. So Pomegranite, Citichild and I went out on an islandwide tree hunt. We wound up with this Japanese black pine, a gift from Pomegranite's father, and it went aloft the new fashioned way, by crane.


  1. Photo is very hester prynne-ish

  2. Actually, i was thinking A for Ace. Citichild was thinking A for Azu, her new company.

  3. it's a rorschach test: my shame, your pride, h's ambition...

  4. Not my pride so much as my stepson, A.

  5. I Like it. I like it , a lot. Now where, exactly, does the GIANT "G" go?

  6. Maybe, like, we can build a houseboat on the pond next. How do you think we get permission for that??

  7. The muskrat.
