
another hat

No sooner did the carpenter hit the island, than he had to open his tool boxes (five of them at 150 pounds apiece, shipped by UPS), read the manual for his new Hitachi compound mitre saw and buy some wood. After we put a bunch of two by fours and plywood in the truck, he felt happier, and immediately went to work in the rain building a table for his new saw. "Purpose built," he calls it. His last purpose-built worktable became my picnic table. He seems unwilling to reuse either that or the sawhorses I've been using since his last project, which was the porch he's working on now, thanks to the rain.
But why is he wearing that silly hat? Where does he think this is, Bermuda?


  1. What do you mean silly hat? I have it from reliable sources that this particular hat style is all the rage on the upper west side of Manhattan.

  2. Yeah, I like that hat. Old fashioned and hip at the same time. And perfect cover from a prying camera lens. Having a writer in the family has got to be tough. But having a sibling with two, count 'em, two
    beach houses, now that's nice.

  3. Wow, really nice photo, Claude...
