
frame this

Dear Architect:
You know you're well and truly in the soup when you're unemployed, in debt and you start writing out checks for $30,000.
I am signing off on the timber frame today.
I hope, in your experience, South County Post and Beam knows what they're doing, because I am just closing my eyes and signing. These drawings mean nothing to me.
Yr friend and sometimes client,C

Dear C:
South County does know what they're doing. If you'd like I can review the first round drawings. Probably a good idea, for tweakage purposes.
It'll be a beaut. South County owner excited about the project. You're in good hands.

1 comment:

  1. Phil: We are going to move all the wood we put under the other building under this one, as soon as it's done, and then we are going to move all the leftover wood from THIS building under THAT one. We don't want to get rusty on our lumber-moving skills.
