
mortgage me

Just picture a half-finished house looming in the left of the frame. "The site of the building I believe could be okay, at least to get the ball rolling here," said the man at Coastal Resources. "Just get the application in and we can get started." So I'll finish the application, go up to the island to get the last piece of paper I need for the application, and walk it into the state office building. Then I'll leave the country.
Real estate. The Artist has just bought a house and is in the process of renovation. Angelina just found out that an offer she made on a house near the Artist's has been accepted. Looks like I'm on my way to moguldom. Now all we have to do is figure out how to pay for it. Credit cards?


  1. I think you need to step up with your appeal for more clicking on your ads. I will click once a day and light joss sticks that is best way in feng shui for attracting money. Mr Li stressed that I write this best way over my objections that it sounded to much like Mr Li.
    He say, Li know best way in feng shui.

  2. PS At an average of one click per 55 page views, you guys have a ways to go, fengshuiwise. Maybe I better put my wallet by a mirror also.

  3. Dear Mermaid Girl: I am so like you think as Li.

    Perhaps you have wish to find Double Happiness with fine gentleman? Please to let Li know if you are like this Daryl Hannah person in Slush, or normal lady, not too Wild Oats type.

    I have fine prospects and vacance home in Catfish.

  4. Where to begin? Please, Uncle, this movie name "Splish-Splash", like Bobby Darin film "In The Sea", of same theme.

    New lady prospect should know vacation house is in Catskill. Famous resort like in Dirty Dancing.

  5. How will I pay for my new pink house?

    Hmmm. I won't think about that today. I'll think about that tommorrow.

    My question to myself is: Do I really need to be responsible for at least three houses at all times?

    Is it possible I could actually simplify my life?

    Obviously not.

  6. More houses is best way
