
lo lite

When we met her thirteen and some years ago, it was her 62nd birthday. We celebrated then in Pokara. She was back in Nepal for her last birthday, too, so we trekked down to the Lower East Side to hold a belated celebration with five of the original seven sisters.


  1. ...and thirteen years ago, friendships were formed between seven great people. Love to all!

    Jersey Girl

  2. We've started planning a trek in the Khumbu for Spring 07--villages and monasteries type thing--with local Kathmandu company. (Max. Alt. 12,600) Who wants to go?
    Advice, comments, and suggestions welcome.

  3. I wanna go, I wanna go! Should be in Asia anyway, the way it looks.

  4. I could come as the anthropologist.... everything always seems more professional with an anthropologist along....

  5. YES, YES, YES. And Chris can be the official photographer! Peter wants some guys. So far we are all goils: me, you, Claudia and my friend Judy--who climbed Mt. Shasta last year and knows how to wield an ice ax and fix ropes, and so forth. (I bring this up just to humor Judy--high alititude mounaineering skills are empahtically not required) Peter's also talking to his friend, Tom, another classic who loves to stroll through the mountains.
