
despite the stars

I checked all my horoscopes to find an auspicious day to sign a contract to pay $127,000 for a timber frame and OSB paneling to go over it. Apparently, there is no such day--well, I only checked yesterday and today--so I went ahead and signed it.
In the teeth of advice from my sister.
In the teeth of advice from my brother.
In the teeth of advice from my accountant.
In the teeth of advice from my financial advisor, Dangerman, who, ironically, likes safer investments.
They would all like to know how I'm going to pay for it, and they think maybe I could do it cheaper. However, it's like the old saying: Fast, Good, Cheap--choose two.
I'm going for it.


  1. I say, go for it babe. Put on your blindfold and leap.

    You always land with your feet on the ground.

    There's a rainbow in them thar rental properties.

  2. Bruce Boss say "Take leaping to get faith going. Take leaping, my plum pie, show some flesh".

    Is Goddess specialty.

  3. Uncle Li, please not to make mice meet of Bruce-san lyrics.

    Is " Takes leap of faith to get thing go this way. Take leap of faith, must please to show guts."

