
your room is almost ready

Pegboard and color consult courtesy of Neruda. I will post another pic later when the light is better.
A few helpful tips for wannabe carpenters:
Slow down.
Slow down.

Putty and paint, the cosmetics of the carpentry world, conceal many a wrinkle. Three coats is better than two.
Slow down.
Do not purchase the variable speed sander I did: The speed varies from out of control to personal helicopter. I believe it to be possessed by a dervish. It was made by Milwaukee and I hate it.
Slow down.
And one last tip: Brute force—sometimes being a nice careful girl doesn't work and you just have to wail on it, wham it, whack it.


  1. Very pretty. Looks like Alford.

  2. now look here little miss cba this place has nothing on alford that's real bead board and i am getting jealous looking at the picture better get to a meeting pretty quick..but i just don't know whether i should go slow or wail on it?
