
outdoor plumbing

The Queen's throne—en plein air. Waiting for the floor to dry out (maybe by spring) so that I can sand, urethane and reinstall the fixture. Maybe.


  1. It's hot.
    It's wet!
    Bet you miss Incinolet!

  2. Dear Readers: See Ode To Incinolet reprinted only two posts down.

  3. And for those of you who are thinking of either spending money on e bay or getting off the pot:

    dear honorable Vender,
    Thanks for your so welcome advances but I am not on market any more. I have many vey beutifyl item which will make humble vendee so happy and contentment for whole of life until afterlife. After i have acquisitive very beneficiary bosoms lady candle no more to wish or burn prayer papers to arrive my home else. So happy so beautifyl everything you have vended to me and much appreciate. But Mrs. Li my mistress and homemeet have inquire many hour sat on the computer do what. I fear to issue more orderings. Pleas accepting my ultimate appreciatings for your so wonderful produce and maybe in Mistress afterlife can ordering ensuing. Too honorable business contact much so appreciate and thank you. I am still your very true, Kyoto Wasabi

  4. I, like, SO like to buy things. But this person scares me.
