
five o'clock boat

Things you have to do to leave your apartment:
water plants
throw out cut flowers
clean out refrigerator
tidy up
figure out how far open to leave windows
leave checks
leave mailing envelopes
leave key
find aerobed
call the Artist Known as Chang
don't forget food in refrigerator
don't forget food in the refrigerator
did I mention the food in the refrigerator?

As I woke up, I was trying to calculate how many rolls of insulation I was going to need. Then I wondered if I would be able to find my utility knife. Then I wondered if it was going to rain on my truckload of lumber. By then I figured I'd better get up and check the weather. (Answer: yes)


  1. This sounds like a perfect set up for another "something smells bad" post. Been there, smelled that. With you gone, poor Citichild will have to discover the source. I bet in your haste you left a can of opened tuna under the love nest. I'm like, just bust up the walls!

  2. I hear comments aren't posting properly. What's up?

  3. PS
    Citichild is here in the country.

  4. Guess they are working. Have fun. Don't forget to go to the dump. Often.
