
laundry list

Does a 54-foot tractor trailer fit on the ferry?
I don't know, but I'm going to have to find out.
Along with what a "spline" is, how much 2 X 6 T&G costs and a lot of other things.
But first, I have to file all my plans with the Zoning Board. (Dave? Are you listening, Dave?) And get the laundry done and my nails done. And help Dolores move into the Bronx tomorrow, and see The Artist Known as Chang on his quick trip to NYC and back to Taiwan (what Dangerman calls the very defininition of a layover—inside joke). And arrange all these interviews. And pack a skirt so that I don't scare the fundamentalist Ozarkers. And leave town to drive several thousand miles with gas as high as it's been.
About that tractor trailer. . .


  1. You know, ever since you switched the topics from sex and dogs to building again, you're getting zero response to these posts. I suggest a quick change of title, to beef up business. How about "Claudia's Sex City". Or maybe " Claudia's Bleu (that's B-L-E-U, not blue) Coyote" ?
    Like, you can even keep the same initials almost!

  2. Since when was the topic sex?

  3. Enjoy the new title now—I can't leave it up that long or I'll get spermspam.
