


The new tenants have moved in, along with their 4 x 4 pickup, their jet ski, their Harley, their Great Pyrenees dog (and I mean great, as in enorme), their cases of Corona and their hopes of perfect weather.
Meanwhile, this is my alternate paradise next door, as the season begins to feel like it's winding down. School clothes in the stores, kids beginning their summer reading lists, hurricanes heading north. Won't be long until the convertibles and jet skis are gone and it's just us little emperors, masters once again of our Elba, or, as some inhabitants call it, The Island of Misfits.
Bonus points for:
*IDing my flipflops.
*IDing characters who make the Isle of Misfits an appropriate name.
*Naming other turning points of the season.


  1. Okay, Okay...I should know this...
    1) Pink rubber flipflops on porch at left of door.
    2)Suzzane (left) the daughter-in-law of Roberta (center) (aka Ruh-boota). Only male would be Phil, also the son-in-law of Ruh-boota.
    3) A. If family is there, that means they have places to stay, which means that all houses are not rented, which means that the season is turning. B. The boogie boards are not in the water. C. Queen Anne's Lace.

  2. Do I see two pumpkins?

  3. Wow, pumpkins! You're so right.
    Actually, I think of my flip flops (or Charlie Watties, as they are called in Ghana) as orange.

  4. fishing poles, boogie boards, bicycles... and pumpkins? i want this life!

  5. Yes, we all think we want it. But those of us who have had it, know there is a darker side. Tune in next week for another installment of...Further Than Fairfield.

  6. Is that a companion volume to East of Westchester?

  7. Dear False Affection, you CAN have this life. This sweet piece of house can be yours for the low low price of $3,600 per week. Your house not satisfying your needs? Call now. CSC is waiting to make your all your fantasies come true. Call now.
