
land o' lyme's

It's that time of year again. The sparrows are probably building nests in the corners of my porch (boy are they going to be displeased when I turn up with my new jigsaw), and the swans are likely scouting the pond. I doubt the daffodils are blooming yet (Island correspondants: please feel free to correct), but the sap is rising. I can feel it.
Also, due to my southern swing, I've already begun giving my own personal sap for Lyme's disease tests. Practically everybody on the island has had it at least once, ditto for folks in Connectict and Westchester County. For more info about it, check out the CDC's site or Harvard's. And if you find one of those itty-bitty ticks on yourself, don't listen to your physician.


  1. Daffodils are in full bloom. Peepers are louder then a rock band
    Forsynthia just bloomed and grass is lush and green. Almost stepped on a sun turtle today. Size of a quarter. Laid down and watched the rest of them break out of the shells. Amazing! Six of them in all. I wondered if like geese they imprint on the first thing they see. All of them crawled towards me and as much as I imagined having a posse of turtles as pets. The moment passed and as I brought them to the ponds edge,I felt blessed to be able to witness the first swim. Get out here soon!

  2. Poison ivy has gotten its sap up too, at least it looks that way if citichild's little brother's chin and chest turn out to not be something else. He followed the cat in yesterday's sun onto the old lumber pile in the yard and must have rubbed on a vine I missed last year with the lethal ortho spray.

  3. Tried to get a ferry reservation on Friday. No dice. Guess I'll be arriving, sodden, on Saturday. I'll bring more Ortho.
