
video star

So last night, Desperado scooped me off the street and hauled me to a real Lower East Side artists' salon, a new moon party. All the 30-something artists were there—spoken word, video, (very) graphic. Desperado showed a hot sex video she'd been working on with the hostess, whose bedroom contained a highly decorated shopping cart that had run the alternative Iditerod over the Brooklyn Bridge. I spent most of the evening chatting with Hal, who was wearing a very, very short kilt and high heels to display his newly-shaven (and rather good) legs. Every woman present said to him, "I don't know how you can walk in those things." He said he needed to come up with a response, and I suggested, "Honey, it takes years of practice." He was a huge fan of Desperado and so spent most of the evening trying to pump me about her. The rest of the evening was devoted to a photography buff who began collecting Dianne Arbus and Roberty Mappelthorpe in his early 2os. Clearly a man of means. He plans to tour a show of female photgraphers (including Desperado) under the aegis of the Eastman House as soon as they (the Eastman folks) get off their butts. The hostess with the mostest different colors of hair was Missy Galore.
Check her scene out at Missy and Buck's site.

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