
there really is an easter bunny

On the island, you will turn off your lights tonight and try to stay awake as long as possible so you can figure out who's doing it. Somehow, you never see headlights or hear any noise on the porch. But in the morning, hung from the doorknob or nestled in the shoe basket is a cache of candy. The island bunny has hopped from house to house, knowing which are empty of their summer residents and which are occupied by embattled survivors of winter who could use a sugar boost.
This has been happening every Easter ever since I first came to the island some 30 years ago. Population has been booming, and that bunny must be sweating its tail off these days.

Here's a seasonal recipe for those leftover peeps and other disgusting marshmallow candies:
Take peeps from package.
Put in microwave.
Watch as they blow up like little balloons.
Do not eat.

1 comment:

  1. The covert island bunnies stealthy
    manuvered another easter drop off
    fueled by booze,candy and smokes.
    Fuk da carrots!
