
a walk in the park

The Drummer came in yesterday from Chicago, partly to see Christo's Gates, so today we went out rambling around. I think I was the only one in Central Park without a camera. Which reminded me of just how much time I have spent in the last 15 years or so waiting for photographers to find their pictures. I have waited for some of the world's legendary photographers as they wait for their moment. And now I get to wait for them as they try to go digital and learn to anticipate the moment and click the shutter some seconds in advance of the moment. This problem is known as capture delay. Which usually leads to the remark: "I hate this fucking camera." What, the Drummer asked me today, do I do while I wait for photographers? I used to try to figure out where they were aiming so that I could skip out of the frame. Then I tried to figure out what they were looking at so that I could see the world through their eyes. Now I just mainly space out. Or, as today, dig my hands deeper into my pockets and try to keep warm. My life in pictures. Christo and Jeanne-Claude

1 comment:

  1. By the way, i think this so-called art work is bullshit, too.
